David Chipperfield’s RIA Foundation Presentation
On May 9 took place the presentation of the RIA Foundation, an eco-social project that David Chipperfield has been building in recent years, in collaboration with part of his team based in Galicia. The presentation took place at the new headquarters of the Arquia Foundation designed by Emilio Tuñón.
The event opened with a presentation by David Chipperfield, who reflected on the reality of cities and the presence of the car in their design, in many cases depriving them of beauty and dehumanizing them. Manuel Rodríguez, director of the RIA Foundation, then outlined the lines on which the Foundation is already working, as well as the objectives it has set itself for the future. After his speeches, Luis Fernández-Galiano, director of Arquitectura Viva magazines, moderated a short debate in which the public had the opportunity to participate.
The RIA Foundation, a non-profit entity created by David Chipperfield in 2017, is dedicated to analysis, reflection and strategic territorial planning. It employs a methodology for territorial planning that stands out for its focus on direct knowledge of reality. For this reason, in addition to using official statistical and cartographic sources, all its projects are based on the collection of first-hand information through field visits, visits that allow them to collect data and take photographs, produce analytical cartographies and involve interested entities and groups in the planning processes. Soon, a new community space called Casa RIA will open in the heart of Santiago de Compostela, where an extensive public program of activities will be carried out.
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